Oct 11, 2008

What is it?

Hello everyone :)

Well as promised, I am posting my progress on the "blot" the surprise piece I am working on for the Friday Night Challenge at "Let's Stitch"
What fun... I started late since I was preparing my self and downloading pictures, actually only spent 3 hours stitching...dh works late and came home at 9:pm ...hungry and tired...
Since he wasn't feeling well I stopped to give some TLC...(feed him lol)
then to stitch... I have never actually sat and thought about showing my progress of one night's work...it usually isn't much by many standards but I surprised my self...lol
I asked my husband what he thought it was and he thought it was the "Cookie Monster"...with duck feet...lol but nope... (I thought it looked like Gonzo myself in bandit gear...lol) but no again ... hopefully tomorrow if I get a chance to stitch it will make sense...want to guess?

Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your comments : )

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