Well, I have been business with life matters that I haven't been able to blog for a few days.. you know...dishes, cooking, housework and of course seeking employment..
Let me bring everyone up to date..
I dug up a seasonal goodie... I started a 6 piece coaster set a long time ago...managed to make two and then stopped due to ...humm shall I say season passed so I put them away...UFO basket... I decided to give the two that I did as gifts and now I had 4...
I started yesterday to make them for a seasonal challenge this week on "Let's stitch".
I had a great time starting the Santa and then discovered that for some reason I did not have one of the floss colors...now that may sound ok, but to me since I had almost every color til 1997... a simple number like DMC 881 was suprising...
Well ok, no tragedy I was tired after 5 hours anyway so I figured I can finish it today...
I went to my LNS (Michael's) and (Joanne's) and NO DMC 881!...Not that they were out but it does not exist! Did it ever exist? :( ???.
I know it's not my error..I had the pattern with me! Anyone know if DMC cuts numbers out and forgets who needs them? is there some place were you can find an equivalent to it?
Oh well, I looked at all my floss boxes and came out with a close color.. no biggie I guess..
I finished dear Santa except for one small section of back stitching ( I hate backstitching and the actual finishing of making it into the coaster...
The pictures are of 1 hour 3 hours and 5 hours.. It such a little pattern but I kept getting interrupted and then the search for the missing floss...those pics are in the slide show
The other 3 should be much faster since this time I pulled all the floss and have them in a baggie.. ( should have done that first...!!!)
Well, hope that you agree it's cute..lol
Now off to start the next one...
Tomorrow is the Friday SAT (sticth-a-thon) and I will be working on Witchie Poo..
so I have not made any addition progress on that one...I did add to "Earthdancer" but not much...I have decided that I will TRY to stick to a projects schedule...
Mon-Thurs Whatever small project I am working on (coasters right now)
Friday Witchy Poo
Weekend Earthdancer..
Well, I said I would TRY! :)
Humm, sounds like a lot of time for stitching but unfortunately it is really an hour here or there except for the Friday SAT..that is 6 hour of bliss..dh is agreeable..yipee..such a sweetie..
Well hoping you join me again with my ramblings.. oh, a friend's blog is called "Lonestar Stitcher and her Ramblings" great site...great ramblings...lol
humm maybe I should have called this blog "Sunshine State Stitcher and her Ramblings"?...... nah... after all it's all "For The Love of Art".. :)
Thank you for stopping by and please leave a comment.. I'd love to hear from you..