Cross Stitching projects fall in 3 sizes around my house...
Small 1-1/2 inch to 6"
Med 6 1/2" to 12"
Large 12" up
I have been looking at my stash of WIP (work in progress) and oh my!
small 9
med 8
large 3
Due to serious health issues in 1996, and many years after I stopped cross stitching.
I had started many projects as you can see and suddenly more cross stitching for me.. I could no longer hold a fine thin needle :(
Each year that past I would try to work on cross stitch but due to nerve damage to my right hand I would not be able to continue for long... I managed to finish some small items and even made a few I had not started before but it was painful and hard...and took forever! ( when you drop a needle and don't realize you have until you wonder why it has not come out the front you know you are in trouble.. lol....)
I had to switch to other art forms that would satisfy my love of color and creativity..
So....., I took up scrap booking and the making of ATC's. Lots of cutting and gluing, though in a more updated fashion and with creative tools... I love those diecuts, stickers and whatnot's..
Last month, Sept/08, due to a closet mishap (too much weight on it) I was forced to go in and try to organize... yuck... I found so many crafts that I no longer do...some were the fad of the year...remember macrame? lol I actually did that well even had a small business of it...
I began to sort into keeps and discards.. and reaching under some really heavy bags...
Lo and behold I found my treasure trove of CROSS STITCH ... boxes of floss, magazines from 3 years of subscriptions, 4 binders with leaflets patterns...cloth, hoops, well if you know cross stitchers you know about stashes... we love them... Well I said to myself "enough is enough...I love to cross stitch and I miss it..I want to do it..."
After getting my husband to reinforce my shelf I began to reorganize... but I left out anything cross
Some of it found itself in my bedroom where I sorted and ohhh and ahhh....
I realize that though I had stopped cross stitching and doing other things I still was going through the pain and misery...true I enjoyed what I was doing but I loved cross stitching more..
I picked 3 projects that I had from each category and gathering my supplies sat and started to stitch... pain yes but my heart sings...
I have managed to actually finish two small pieces that really did not have that much to go and have made progress in one large piece...
Today 10-10-08 I joined a blog cross stitch site that has Friday cross stitch night...challenge is a sampler and so I just had to start one... lol.
I am super slow but then it isn't a race just a great group that encourages it members to enjoy themselves sharing....their views, their work thru pictures, their help and then applauds your triumphs.
I am going to enjoy it there...
I will be posting pictures of my work as it progresses and those that I have done/finished...just have to get the hang of this posting and downloading. First
Thanks you for visiting....